Saturday, December 2, 2017

Kings, Castles, Priests and Churches 200km Audax

Another ride from Tewksbury. Paul opts for the 100km ride so I get a lift down in the car. 4 cafe controls for this ride so I have to be aware of time  and not hang around too long. Early on in the ride a take my eye off my garmin and follow a couple of riders ahead of me. Soon after we have gone off route, taking a short cut missing out the first info control. We turn back up the road to Ledbury to get the name of the pub. First cafe stop is Bromyard with a visit to flowerdews cafe for a warm chocolate brownie with cream. Second cafe is the castle lodge buttery in Ludlow for tea and scones. The second info control asks for the number of columns on 'the Judoes House' in Presteigne. I study a tourist information board but all I can find is the judges house, is judoes welsh for judges? I retrace my route back through the town and count 6 columns on the judges house. 10km further on I reach Kington for a 3rd cafe stop, I sit outside and check the route sheet. It says there is a 3rd info control but there is no question provided on the brevet card. I ask another audax rider at the cafe who seems unconcerned about the discrepancy. Paul will have finished his 100km ride by now so I send him a message. Last stop is Allensmore Services where I buy a jumbo apricot flapjack and get my card stamped. A text from Paul says not to worry about final info control. The temperature drops and I put on all my extra layers and gloves for the ride back to Tewksbury. It turns out that 'Judoes' was just a misprint on the brevet card and there was no third info control!
Glucose control is good, one of the best days I've had although my SW3 runs out of charge before the end.