Saturday, June 22, 2019

Loop of Brum 200km DIY audax

One final loop on my own before the calendar event!
Another chance to test out the insulin pump in closed loop 

basal profile same as standard profile, adjusted insulin carb ratios and insulin sensitivity factor

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Vale of Belvoir 200km Audax

200km ride with Cannon Hill cycle club
First ride using an insulin pump, decided to test out the closed loop with androidAPS 

reduced basal profile (cycling 1):


Sunday, June 2, 2019

Windsor Chester Windsor 600km Audax

5 days rest then another 600km.
I remembered all background injections (2.5 units levemir at 6am, 8pm and 6am). Fully catered controls made it easier to eat properly. Injected 1.5-3 units of novorapid at each control but had to stop several times for extra correction doses, particularly on the second day. Probably needed 3 units rather than 2.5 unit doses of levemir. Glucose fairly good first day but running high for second half of the ride. I didn't feel sick at any point and only had slightly raised ketones (1.2mmol/L) at the sleep stop.