Saturday, December 22, 2018

Loop of Brum 200km DIY Audax

Loop of Brum (Brum200) for the third time. Anticlockwise from Berkswell, beautiful day for a ride.
Sat outside cafe at Cannock chase for a couple of penguin bars, a friendly group of runners gave me a mince pie. I guessed insulin dose at 2.5 units. As I rode the next few km I did the calculations in my head. Total carbs divided by 7 and multiplied by 0.25. Calculated insulin dose 2.57 so I was pretty happy with my guestimate. Stopped at bakery in Penkridge for a packed lunch, egg may sandwich and rhubarb and cherry cake. My favourite section of his route is the ride to Ironbridge. The bridge itself was freshly painted and a sat in the sunshine eating my picnic lunch. My watch vibrated several times during ride to Bewdley but I was climbing the hills fine. I stopped to do a blood test which was reading 2 mmol/L above my Xdrip cgm. I recalibration Xdrip from the blood glucose result and carried on with a perfect glucose of 5.8. A pot of yoghurt and water bottle top up in Bewdley. The last 50km always appears hillier than expected, lots of christmas lights in the villages I past through and a stunning full moon to round off a great day of cycling. Glucose in range for the full 200km, I think that's the best yet.

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