Sunday, April 28, 2019

Moors and Wolds 400km Audax

Another PBP qualifier, glucose control was okay. The late morning start is difficult because I reduced my 7am levemir dose (from 12 to 2.5 units) so needed several corrections to stop glucose rising before cycling. Started with a glucose of about 13 but had 2 units of novorapid so dropped to 5.4 by first control. First half of ride glucose generally in range. 15:00 65g carbs, 1.5 units novorapid, 19:10 75g carbs 1.5 units novorapid. I stopped for 45 minutes at 220km, 85g carbs 1.5 units novorapid, 2.5 units of levemir. Glucose increased to about 15 so injected another 1.5 units. Glucose about 7 by next control at Willerby just after 1am. 17g carbs no insulin. Started feeling unwell at about 3am and vomited at 04:30. Glucose averaging around 10. Felt better by the time I reached the next service station at Gainsborough, 2 units of novorapid and 25g carbs. I carried on slowly finishing just before 10am. Glucose back in range by the end.
Post ride: by the time I got home 3 hours after finishing my glucose had risen to 15mmol/L, blood ketones 5.6mmol/L. I followed sick day rules and injected 3x10 unit additional doses of novorapid over 3 hours. 3.5 hours later ketones reduced to 0.2

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Heart of England 300km Audax

3 units of levemir (reduced from 12)

3 units of novorapid at first control (65g carb)
0.5 units of novorapid at second control (45g carb)
0.5 units of novorapid at third control (50g carb)
1 unit of novorapid at fourth control (50g carb)

80g carb consumed throughout the day as orange juice


Saturday, April 6, 2019

Another Slice of Rutland 200km Audax

4 units if levemir (reduced from 12)
3 units of novorapid at first control (60g carb)
no insulin at middle control (30g carb)
1 unit at last control (50g carb)
60g carb consumed throughout day as orange juice